Tuesday, February 23, 2010

For what purpose would a God make the stars, were they just something to look at on a clear night or....?

were they created so that deluded people could plan their lives by them through reading about their horoscope everyday?For what purpose would a God make the stars, were they just something to look at on a clear night or....?
One reason I come up with is that God creates the universe, along with us, because it delights him. Just as a poet or a composer creates for the sheer joy of it, so God creates a universe with all its creatures. Such a God is not motivated by love when he creates; rather, he is compelled by his own nature, his infinite energy. You might say that creating worlds and creatures is ';his thing.';For what purpose would a God make the stars, were they just something to look at on a clear night or....?
For His glory, and a way for us to orient Earth in relation to where it is in creation. Also the stars have proved invaluable for navigation as a result of the primal orientation purpose. They have also been used for signs. Even when I was not a Christian, not knowing a thing about God, it sure felt good to lay on the ground at night looking up and realizing we are not like a cadaver in a coffin, but are among the stars. Abusive uses of stars include astrology.

If makes sense to me that given the galaxies are spiraling outward as they form, from a starting point near Earth, that all the objects were created immediately after the first central star (our Sun) and it's planets (Earth in particular). ';Redshift'; shows everything else are speeding away from us. The Bible declares all were formed by God's words. I take it immense energy was converted into matter, as is currently being done in particle accelerators, only on a huge scale. It's like a stone falling into water. A hole in the water is made, the rock sinking staying at the center of impact. A wave is started. New waves arise farther out that didn't exist before, energy being transferred. Old waves (expended energy) seem to linger behind, but also more slowly move out than the youngest wave. That seems to me a natural order that fits the creation account in Genesis. Which happened first? The wave at the center.
My friend

I give you this verse. Genesis 1: 14- 18 Then God said ; let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens

to separate the day from the night, and let them be for SIGNS and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night, He made the stars also., and God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on earth.and to govern the day and the night and to separate the light from the darkness, and God saw that it was good.


a friend
God didn't create stars. Groups of hydrogen coalescing around a center of gravity created stars.
I don't care if your an atheist. If you don't think the stars are awesome, thats because you suck.

You suck, because your dull.

I don't know why your so dull. Thats the best answer I can grant. Sorry if that offends you. Dull.
for signs and seasons (not for a horoscope)
Well, if you accept the Genesis account, they're for ';signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years'; (Gen.1:14).

That is, for prophecy (horoscopes, if you like) and calendrics.
They were created for those who join him to enjoy in the afterlife.
He thought they were a good way of creating the heavier elements.
I don't know why Zeus would create the stars. I think it was for his amusement.
Are you aware of the size of the universe?

And the number of stars out there?

Get an education man!

so we know where north, west, east south

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