Thursday, February 18, 2010

Your naked eye can see 2000 stars on a clear night.?

You can see 2000 stars in the night sky if there is no light pollution.Your naked eye can see 2000 stars on a clear night.?
In an absolutely clear sky with no Moon out, and 20/20 vision, you should be able to see as many as 4500 stars, down to 6.4 magnitude. In the middle of a big city with a Moon up, maybe 200.Your naked eye can see 2000 stars on a clear night.?
if the atmosphere is clear and it is completely dark about 2-3 thousand stars are visible with naked eye
That is the correct order of magnitude. I've seen figures as high as 4000.
Tham's got it, but what I would add...

Keep in mind that 4500 is the TOTAL number of naked eye stars. Only a portion of these are visible at one time of year or another from a given latitude... that is to say, there are some stars that are never visible from New York and others that are never visible from Sydney Australia...
That's a good estimate. However it really depends where you are. If you are lucky enough to get way out in the country away from city lights you can see spectacular star fields that you just have to see to believe. Unfortunately most of us can't get away from enough light pollution to see more than a few hundred stars.

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