Monday, February 22, 2010

When did you last take time to appreciate the stars on a clear night?

Haven't done that for a while - probably not properly appreicated since last trip to Tassie. Hey, you just reminded me - are we still on for the eclipse tomorrow? I'm sure it was the 28th?When did you last take time to appreciate the stars on a clear night?
wow.... a long time ago.....When did you last take time to appreciate the stars on a clear night?
Every night. I take my dog out for a potty break around 10 or so. I always stare at the moon and stars. I used to have a telescope, and a few years ago I saw Saturn's rings. They were this stark band of color around it. Awe inspiring.
Last month we were in Michigan, the sky was spectacular. There were so many stars you couldn't make out all the constellations.
I spend time in the desert far from any light pollution. I sleep on the desert floor in a mesh-top tent and lay there staring up pondering the wonders of the universe.

If you've never tried it, go to New Mexico. Much of the state is at 7000-8000 ft above sea level - low humidity and haze - less atmosphere to hinder the view. It's amazing how many stars are visible.
Tonight. Honestly, almost every night I like to wander outside and see the wonders.

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