Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do you think it would be better if stars were shown clearer? I don't think most people notice which...?

questions have the most stars.

Perhaps higher than 5 stars should be shown gold?Do you think it would be better if stars were shown clearer? I don't think most people notice which...?
Why - it's not as though they're any good to man nor beast !Do you think it would be better if stars were shown clearer? I don't think most people notice which...?
Yes, that's seems better. Clearer stars means a very interesting questions.
Yes i agree with you they should be the size of a 5p

Have a star * ^ lol

have a good day princess x x
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  • For what purpose would a God make the stars, were they just something to look at on a clear night or....?

    were they created so that deluded people could plan their lives by them through reading about their horoscope everyday?For what purpose would a God make the stars, were they just something to look at on a clear night or....?
    One reason I come up with is that God creates the universe, along with us, because it delights him. Just as a poet or a composer creates for the sheer joy of it, so God creates a universe with all its creatures. Such a God is not motivated by love when he creates; rather, he is compelled by his own nature, his infinite energy. You might say that creating worlds and creatures is ';his thing.';For what purpose would a God make the stars, were they just something to look at on a clear night or....?
    For His glory, and a way for us to orient Earth in relation to where it is in creation. Also the stars have proved invaluable for navigation as a result of the primal orientation purpose. They have also been used for signs. Even when I was not a Christian, not knowing a thing about God, it sure felt good to lay on the ground at night looking up and realizing we are not like a cadaver in a coffin, but are among the stars. Abusive uses of stars include astrology.

    If makes sense to me that given the galaxies are spiraling outward as they form, from a starting point near Earth, that all the objects were created immediately after the first central star (our Sun) and it's planets (Earth in particular). ';Redshift'; shows everything else are speeding away from us. The Bible declares all were formed by God's words. I take it immense energy was converted into matter, as is currently being done in particle accelerators, only on a huge scale. It's like a stone falling into water. A hole in the water is made, the rock sinking staying at the center of impact. A wave is started. New waves arise farther out that didn't exist before, energy being transferred. Old waves (expended energy) seem to linger behind, but also more slowly move out than the youngest wave. That seems to me a natural order that fits the creation account in Genesis. Which happened first? The wave at the center.
    My friend

    I give you this verse. Genesis 1: 14- 18 Then God said ; let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens

    to separate the day from the night, and let them be for SIGNS and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night, He made the stars also., and God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on earth.and to govern the day and the night and to separate the light from the darkness, and God saw that it was good.


    a friend
    God didn't create stars. Groups of hydrogen coalescing around a center of gravity created stars.
    I don't care if your an atheist. If you don't think the stars are awesome, thats because you suck.

    You suck, because your dull.

    I don't know why your so dull. Thats the best answer I can grant. Sorry if that offends you. Dull.
    for signs and seasons (not for a horoscope)
    Well, if you accept the Genesis account, they're for ';signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years'; (Gen.1:14).

    That is, for prophecy (horoscopes, if you like) and calendrics.
    They were created for those who join him to enjoy in the afterlife.
    He thought they were a good way of creating the heavier elements.
    I don't know why Zeus would create the stars. I think it was for his amusement.
    Are you aware of the size of the universe?

    And the number of stars out there?

    Get an education man!

    so we know where north, west, east south

    In the night sky,when it's super clear,why isn't the entire spread one huge bright blanket of stars???

    Why do so few shine through???...tom scienceIn the night sky,when it's super clear,why isn't the entire spread one huge bright blanket of stars???
    There ARE a lot of stars. It's just that when stars are dimmer or farther away, they aren't as bright in the sky. Those facts actually provide a way to explain why there can be an infinite number of stars without us being vaporized.In the night sky,when it's super clear,why isn't the entire spread one huge bright blanket of stars???
    the universe (space, stars , etc.) is forever expanding, never ending and has no limits. it is infinite.So to the naked eye we cannot see all there is to see in our limited veiw.
    The stars are all at different magnitudes and stuff. They are bigger and smaller and at different locations in the sky. Some are brighter than others. All of these things factor in. If you want a more detailed answer, then you should check out a website or take an astronomy class.
    If you are someplace VERY dark, the stripe of the milky way across the sky is pretty dense. But...most of space is empty. (the missing dark matter not withstanding). Its hard to grasp the degree to which space is ';empty';. But it is, so stars aren't as densely packed as you might think as you look up at the sky.
    This is one of the arguments used to disspell the theory that the universe is infinate with an infinate amount of stars - if this were so, the sky would be as you describe: ';a huge blanket of stars.'; A good portion of the light energy from the stars is absorbed by space debri on it's long, long journey to us. Some of it is diverted from us by space warping due to large objects near or in its path to earth. Even on a clear night, the earths atmosphere also hinders us from a ';clear'; view (the reason the Hubble telescope was put outside the atmosphere was to try and eliminate the effects of our blanket of air on long range research into space.)
    The Milky Way is just that. If you have a pair of binoculars, look at the Milky Way and you will see so many stars you can't count them.
    Because there is space between the stars and many stars may not be close enough to give you the shine
    It is. You have to get away from cities and lights. Get up to the higher elevations (and I don't mean climbing a telephone pole). You will be amazed.

    Our atmosphere blocks a lot of the light. That's why you must go up, up, up. To put less atmosphere between you and the stars.
    Because our eyes can only process light that is bright enough for us to see.Granted a hawk can see more of those stars that are there than we can.Its all about distance.Someone in a desert on a flat plain might have an extremely good flashlight shining directly at you.But since light spreads out over distance after so far it is to weak to see.

    Try using a flashlight in a bright room.
    There are two main reasons:

    1. Most of the stars in the universe are less luminous than the Sun and so are most likely invisible to the naked eyes.

    2. Most stars that are brighter than the Sun are too far away to be visible to the naked eye.

    There are several others:

    - Light from the ground lights up the atmosphere and dims the starlight.

    - The Moon also sometimes light up the atmosphere just a tad bit and that can dim the starlight a little.

    - The atmosphere itself is not totally transparent, starlight also gets scattered, therefore dimming the star.

    Even though we do not notice it, pollution blocks our view of some of the dimmer stars we should see.
    clouds....the day u were talkin about probably was cloudy when it got dark. clouds are still there even when the sun is not.
    A simple answer would be that the light from distant stars have not reached us yet and maybe never will considering the expansion of our universe, It has been considered a paradox for many years because if our universe was really infinite, the universe would not expand and therefore our night sky would be a blinding flash of light- we would never survive. I would suggest visiting astrowhiz on Yahoo Groups to post or discuss any space and astronomy topics!
    There are not so many stars in galaxies, including ours, and galaxies in the Universe, and the stars and galaxies are small compared to distances between them. Also, there are gases in space that block the light, as does the Earth's atmosphere

    Explain to me the development of stars. i need it now pls. any one who gives a clear ans. will be chosen?


    Is it possible for Star Trek XI to continue in XIII, clearing a path for a TNG finale film in Star Trek XII?

    It's what the fans want.

    Signatures at the end!

    Nemesis basically gave TNG fans a big middle finger.

    Picard walking down a corridor on a wrecked Enterprise, smiling. The End.

    Shouldn't Paramount give Picard and Riker an Enterprise/Titan wrap-up movie?! Use Q!!!

    Bring Data back through B4 and even have DS9 and Voyager tie-ins, walla! there's your fan-favorite perfect Star Trek XII. If XI is so popular go back to it for XIII, in fact it might even be healthy for the franchise to alternate like that back and forth between J.J.'s ongoing ';Kid Kirk'; adventures and random assorted Star Trek tales occurring elsewhere just to keep it fresh. It's ridiculous to continue with Kirk - his time is over, Gene would want the stories moving FORWARD, probably never backward; my point is, J.J.'s franchise vision might flop or be very boring, so do any of you think there is a chance at variation here or not? Will we ever see Star Trek in the future beyond Voyager/The Next Generation era? For the FANSIs it possible for Star Trek XI to continue in XIII, clearing a path for a TNG finale film in Star Trek XII?
    Well you know they'll eventually have to skip a century ahead, and wheel out a wrinkly old 24th century cast to boost ratings!

    This back in time set back is just an ego boost to build up for a Picard finale and give Leonard Nemoy a paycheck.

    Why go straight to the good stuff when paramount can dick around and drag in a few extra million?

    Just so I'm clear, God created the heavens and earth, the sun, stars, moon animals and people?

    Basically, God made everything EXCEPT Steve?Just so I'm clear, God created the heavens and earth, the sun, stars, moon animals and people?
    Yeah, what about us bisexual girls and lesbians? Where do WE fit in?Just so I'm clear, God created the heavens and earth, the sun, stars, moon animals and people?
    I only know one person called Steve. I don't really like him too much. I mean, he's okay, but we don't get along so well.

    I do like rabbits, though:


    Wow, so cute! I love rabbits. What about you?
    I hear the voice of a spirit that claims to be God鈩?

    He told me that He did not create the universe. It was already here.

    He only created life.
    Well here I am and there's no denying that, so I guess God did make everything including me.
    Yeah...strange then how he also created natural disasters that he knew would kill millions eh?

    You forgot about ellen btw.
    The first humans created were male and female. What was Steve supposed to do without ovaries? ';Be fruitful and never mind just be a fruit?';
    As in Adam and Steve? Yes. He created Adam and Eve.

    God Bless.
    No he made Steve, but first he made Eve. He didn't give Steve to Adam as a helpmate, that was Eve's job.

    But God has created EVERYTHING!!!
    I agree with Angela he does seem very preoccupied with animals WTF is it with him and the animal thing?

    God made Steve to be Steve. Not to be a Stephanie.
    We are ALL born with a sin nature -- I'm sure you've noticed that people are selfish -- and while Christ accepts us the way we are, He does not intend for us to stay that way.
    Isn't anybody the least bit concerned about Dr. Freud's preoccupation with the bunnies?
    God didnt make anything, hes not real
    But Steve exists, no? Now, then. Who created Steve?
    Bull **** humans have only been around .08 of the time earth has been around
    If that is what you believe then yes.
    Who's Steve?..
    My cats name is Steve, but great point BTW
    you must have way to much time on your hand.....smiles
  • black hair styles
  • Is it a clear sky... or do we see the Stars?

    Our story begins at the Olympics, specifically the wrestling event. It is narrowed down to the Russian or the American for the gold medal. Before the final match, the American wrestler's trainer came to him and said, ';Now don't forget all the research we've done on this Russian. He's never lost a match because of this ';pretzel'; hold he has. Whatever you do, don't let him get you in this hold! If he does, you're finished!'; The wrestler nodded in agreement. Now, to the match: The American and the Russian circled each other several times looking for an opening. All of a sudden the Russian lunged forward, grabbing the American and wrapping him up in the dreaded pretzel hold! A sigh of disappointment went up from the crowd, and the trainer buried his face in his hands for he knew all was lost. He couldn't watch the ending. Suddenly there was a horrible scream, and a resounding cheer from the crowd. The trainer raised his eye just in time to see the Russian flying up in the air.Is it a clear sky... or do we see the Stars?
    Hi Jody, Hahahahahahahahahahaha... Gee's We can see the Stars. This is soooo funny I love it!!!


    A Friend,

    poppy1Is it a clear sky... or do we see the Stars?
    Ouch, even the thought of that makes me hurt . . . It's going to be awhile before I can get up and walk.
    I liked it

    Why are there two stars to choose from in Super Mario 64 DS before starting a stage that has been cleared?

    is there a difference? one star is yellow and the other one is kinda blue. You get to choose between the two 1 and 2. what do these mean?Why are there two stars to choose from in Super Mario 64 DS before starting a stage that has been cleared?
    They yellow star indicates that star has already been collected. So it you would be going for the second star in that level (the blued out one).

    It's just showing you how many stars you have collected in that level.

    Why isn't the clear night sky one huge bright blanket of stars,since there are trillions of them???

    How come so few shine through???...tom scienceWhy isn't the clear night sky one huge bright blanket of stars,since there are trillions of them???
    An excellent question. You've touched on what is called Olbers' paradox. There are several reasons on resolving the paradox. One can be you have two stars in line with your eye. You only see one star.

    Another is that stars and galaxies are not smoothly distributed across the universe so it is likely that there will be gaps. Also the visible universe is not infinite in depth so gaps will not be filled by farther stars.

    Another is that stars are smaller and fainter as they are farther from your eye. The result is that they can end up being too small and too faint for your eye to resolve.

    Another is that a star that may be able to fill a gap in your blanket exists but it is so far away that its light has yet to reach this planet.

    Pick any and all with my compliments.Why isn't the clear night sky one huge bright blanket of stars,since there are trillions of them???
    A lot of crazy answers coming through, I see.

    Basically, we live in a sparse area of the galaxy - in the outer edges of one of the spiral arms. If our sun was in the central region the sky would be alive with stars, and if it was in a globular cluster, there would never be night.

    The fact is that we owe our existence to being in this sparse region, because in a densely starred region there would be a much greater incidence of supernova. Life would have been repeatedly extinguished at every blast, and would have to keep starting again (if it could), meaning it would never get a chance to develop far.

    There are still millions of stars in our region, but at the same time there are awesome stretches of space. With the naked eye, we can only see stars down to a certain level. You start using scopes with larger light capture, and the number of stars you can see increases dramatically. Even with a good pair binoculars you can see hundreds of times as many stars.

    Try it.

    PS - the previous repondant who said you can see trillions from the desert is talking garbage. yes, you see a great deal more than from polluted cities, but there are still only several thousand stars visible to the naked eye at any one time. The count for the whole sky is about 8000, but half the sky is not visible.

    With a pair 8x50 binoculars, you may see a third of a million. Magnification is not the issue, it is the 50mm objective lens that captures all the light. In fact if you want to view lots of stars, binoculars are the way, as they present a much larger field of view than a telescope, and magnification does nothing for stars.
    Because they are so far away. Trillions of kilometers. Do you know these Hubble-Pictures on which you kann see hundreds of galaxies on one picture? Fascinating, isn`t it?
    they're too far away for the human eyeballs to see but a telescope will helpO.O
    The expansion of the universe.
    it proves that there is a beginning to the universe....we can only see stars that are within , lets say 15 billion light years from us, bc according to science the universe is only 15 billion years old...also as the distance of a star increases, its brightness decreases, so an infinitely far star will also be infinitely dim and therefore we wouldnt be blinded by all the stars so far away.
    Yes, the stars are very numerous, but they are very sparsely distributed in a very, very vast space. If stars were molecules of water, there would be only two or three of them in an olympic swimming pool.

    Also the further they are from us, the dimmer they appear.

    It has nothing to do with light pollution, though light pollution is a very bad thing. I think many people are afraid to look at the night sky, for fear God will be able to see them, or some such reason.

    But even with no light pollution (as in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), the naked eye sees only a couple of thousand stars. Add the light gathering power of even a small telescope, and you multiply that by hundreds.

    The answers to this question demonstrate the wide range of intelligence and knowledge base found on the internet. Lots of poorly informed kooks out there, and some very decent, intelligent folks.
    Interstellar gas and dust absorb some of the starlight, so not all of the original light reaches us.
    Usually light pollution even if you dont realize it. The reasons are : Light pollution - resolution of the eye, time of year, or even not really slowing down to look at them. There may be more.

    Light Polution - even in the back yard and only a few porch lights can damper the viewing of the sky. Have you seen when they show seeing through night goggles and all of a sudden you see a light source? Your eyes act the same way, in the dark, even a small porch light some feet away will cause the eye to close up. Time of year - Summer skies have the most, winter skies have the prettiest. Summer the air is turbulent due to heat, the milky way virtually overhead. Winter not so many stars and the milky way is close to horizon. The air is still from being cold so the twinkle isnt interfereing with what you are seeing.

    Eye resolution and time - your eye is like a camera. It takes time for it to gather light to see. Lay on your back and look up on a clear night . Wait.....you will see more and more
    Because of light pollution. If you go to the desert where there are not many lights, like only two street lamps in a village, you will see more than trillions, go. You will see, it is wonderful. All we see here is the North Star, and in a country village in England, maybe on a clear night, pollution rid, you can see the plough, and the milky way and all that, but you have to go to a desert......you will be gob smacked
    Because we live on one of the arms of the galaxy, far from the center where we would see them in a blanket. Also, there is a lot of dust particles that block out most of the light from the galaxy. Our knowledge of the true nature of the galaxy comes from huge radio telescopes and our eyes cannot detect radio waves.
    Light pollution. All the bright lights here on earth dim the stars. If you wanna see a LOT of stars go out in the middle of no where in the middle of the night. The stars can be pretty breathtaking. If you can't go out in the middle of no where you can still see a lot of stars as long as you aren't in a big city. Just turn out all the lights.
    Several reasons....I'll let someone else give you a good explanation.
    Never been to the High Sierra at night have you?
    The damn city lights make it to bright to see the lights in the night.

    Plus the atomsphere is filled with smog and pollution making it cloudy

    I got your back Stephanie
    our street lights or lights in gerneral create a reflection that blocks out the stars. the darker the better. also our polution has a lot to do with it.

    When you step outside on a clear night, and look up at the stars, what do you see?

    Think deeply, please. It's a spiritual question.When you step outside on a clear night, and look up at the stars, what do you see?
    I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder thy(God) power through the universe displayed then sings my soul my savior God to the how great thou are

    always amazed at the beauty of Gods creationsWhen you step outside on a clear night, and look up at the stars, what do you see?
    I see a profound mystery that no one, not even a god, can explain... and I love it.
    The Awesomeness of God !

    I think about how God knows every star by name. It blows me away.....everytime I think about it. If He knows the stars by name, how much more does He know ME.


    In the continuum of what is, what else is there? The stars and sky are merely the most dramatic example of the fact that everything is part of everything. What is outside of the Universe? This question doesn't make sense. What is that is not? All. All is that is. Even some small expression of what is is what is All. I am what is, and what is is all.

    When I look at the stars, I'm reminded that I am not but a small insignificant part of everything. And it is enough.
    Several years ago, my husband and I spent several nights in a cabin in the mountains in Colorado. This cabin had a skylight window. As we lay in bed and looked up through that window, we could see literally billions and billions and billions of stars. It was as if someone had thrown a hand full of sand on a very small table. And He has named every one of them.

    The miseries of this universe are so magnificent that no one could ever see or figure out all of God's creations. How glorious and awesome is He!
    I see breathtaking beauty. I see the work of God's hands that reminds me of how great and awesome His power is. It makes me feel so insignificant for a moment, but then I am humbly reminded that a God so great still know MY name. How and why this is so, I can't explain. It always brings me to tears!
    freedom...beauty, wonder,joy. a sense that i am not so trapped and not so claustrophobic. magic. hope. peace. sometimes i think about the Goddess. i see all those worlds with other life on them and all the empty ones and i know how huge the universe is and that i am just a girl standing glued by gravity on a planet spinning around a sun. just a little speck in time.
    I see a vast universe that no one can fathom, the beauty of which can inspire me for weeks....

    I see a glimpse of eternity there.

    blessings :) (((((red))))))
    I always look at the stars before I go to sleep...its something I have always done...

    I find myself getting lost in them...

    and I do realize, I really know nothing of

    all God's creations...but hopefully some day

    I will...There is still alot for us the learn in

    this life...and I have just started..
    ...holes in the floor of Heaven...

    I'm not making ';light'; of this question...it's from a song by Steve Wariner...when I look up, I feel like the eyes of lost loved ones are looking back ...it's both comforting and sad at the same time...this is what I see when I'm feeling spiritual about a starlight night
    I see the vast immensity of the night sky that is so large it's incomprehensible. I see how we are just tiny little specks in the vastness of space, so tiny we are unremarkable and really, not worth noticing. I see that the things that go on, on this planet, have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the universe. I see space as vast, but in that vastness all we have and all we know, is this one tiny little blue planet.

    I'm not spiritual or deeply scientific, so that is truly all I see. I find beauty in simplicity, so I try not to over-complicate anything.
    More airplanes than stars here.

    Large gasseous balls of fire.
    1.) I see stars

    2.) I see absolute beauty.

    3.) I see connection to all life.

    4.) I see the possibility of life.

    5.) I see the beginning.

    6.) I see Orion's Belt.
    History - given that the light from those stars and galaxys might have taken billions of years to get to us.
    I see all the other people who are looking up at the same stars and realize we are all connected.

    Possibility. I see infinite worlds with infinite ways to live life, the chance of greater future through technology, the peace of the pictures in the stars, somehow clear and yet inexplicable. The stars give me hope.
    I see a wonder. To think that my God and my Creator would make a universe of such beauty and awe. How He holds the world in His hand. Even when I look out on a cloudy or even stormy night to know that His hand of protection is around me and that even in the darkest of storm there is still beauty there. My GOD is an AWESOME GOD.
    I see airplanes.......
    I see stars....Sorry, not a deeply spiritual person. I see what is there.
    Indescribable beauty that goes on forever.
    I see part of the beauty God has created for us to enjoy. I love to look at the stars in the night sky--it almost seems like I could reach out and touch God. It feels reassuring to me as well, when I look at their beauty and majesty, I have such a sense of peace and awe, and know that God has everything under control, so I have no reason to fear or worry about things in this life. And I just feel blessed and loved. Calmed and comforted. Contented and joyful.
    city lights...
    I see my Beloved staring back at me.

    mmm... Nuit.
    really nothing

    im on the southside of chicago i cant see anything cause of all the street lights the sky has like a purple tinge to it
    infinite possibilities
    that would be when i'm in the countryside...i remember the falling stars in August,how the fresh air feels,yes wonderful,i used to see a wonderful picture in good times
    I get lost in the vastness of the universe. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but I feel privileged to be able to look at something that is thousands, maybe even billions, of light years away. Its like getting a glimpse into the future.

    When you go outside on a clear night and look up at the canopy of stars and planets, who made them?

    I respect the beliefs of agnostics and atheists. It is your right as a human thinker to perceive the physical world the way you perceive it.

    I have an atheistic relative. This relative is a fine person and contributes to the welfare of other human beings. I deeply love this relative. I have a relative who is an agnostic. This relative is highly intelligent and works in a field that benefits humanity. I love and respect this relative. I would love to talk with you!

    Respectfully and Warmly,

    Lady Constance RoseWhen you go outside on a clear night and look up at the canopy of stars and planets, who made them?
    Read an astrophysics book for starters. Astrophysics can be hard going and very complex though, hence my lack of desire to attempt to put a simplified version of it down here!

    Nicely non-antagonizing question btw, thanks!

    :)When you go outside on a clear night and look up at the canopy of stars and planets, who made them?
    You are so right. The more we find out, the less we know, lol!

    Thank you for rating my answer so highly! Glad I could have helped in some way.


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    Good answer, but it still doesn't answer the question.

    Report Abuse

    I truly believe that God made the stars in the sky.
    God caused what ever scientific phenom that caused it, Big Bang, etc etc!
    God made them, there is really no other possible answer....... people try to make answers but none of them really answer it.... the only right answer is God...
    Here is what one of the most well know agnostics stated concerning the human eye...

    Charles Darwin acknowledged the inadequacy of evolution when he wrote,

    To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree. (Darwin 1872)

    That said, I will next qoute from God's Word...

    John 1

    1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
    I prefer to think of the world as created by the big bang because then life is only what you make it and not what someone tells you it should be. I find it easier to be myself when the world around me is nothing more than millions upon millions of tiny atoms. I also find that I live more in the present than I would if I was constantly trying to justify myself to a higher being. Just my opinion though, most of my family is Christian but we have differing views but we respect eachother.
    Dear Lady Constance Rose,

    I believe that God made the heavens and the earth. If you have a bible look at Genesis 1:1 it states it right there for you.
    God and only God could make something as beautiful as the night sky.
    God what else could have some space aliens with a life ray? no GOD MAN GOD THE END IS NEAR!!
    God created evereything evrey breathing thing and stars evreything
    My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ created everything. He made me, and you, and everything that exist.
    I'm an agnostic. Really dunno how they got there maybe big bang maybe God dunno. There are loads in the world that makes me wonder if there is God like are consciouses, are emotions, how clever nature is etc and things that make me think maybe there isn't a God like the not much proof, u can't see God, don't think prayers are really answered, how cruel nature is like animals killing each other to live, my anxiety depression, etc.
    To me, that is one of the sights in our world that makes it obvious that God is out there. Who else and how else could such a sight have been created? When I look in the skies at night God feels closer than ever.
    There was no 'who'. They are the product of an unthinking, uncreated universe.
    Some dreamer. Probably a romantic.
    Divine Creator
    God created everything and all His creation is wonderous and beautiful and good.
    The randomness of the collisions of meteors and chemical imbalances made them, with a bit of help from the magic hand of the Lord.
    I believe God made them.


    John 1

    1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2The same was in the beginning with God.

    3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    This woman thinks it's God.
    Jehovah , the one true God,

    Isaiah 40:26: ';Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.';
    My Heavenly Father, Jesus His Son ( the living Word ) and the Holy Spirit...
    Nobody created them. The laws of the universe created them.
    God in Heaven made everything.

    I respect everybody in this wonderful world he created. If God had not created this world we would not have agnostics and atheists. God Bless Them All!
    There is only one answer to your question GOD.
    the lord god!
    this is a religious category , so most of them would answer religiously(philosohical)

    for science go to the science category %26amp; ask
  • black hair styles
  • Do you ever stare up into a clear night sky - gaze @ the stars and get this insatiable urge to ?

    just ascend into space...up into the night sky, never looking back - and never daring to stop, just , to simply go further and further into the dark abyss we call 'space' :-)

    then, as one does, don't you just get this insatiable urge to discover whats out there and beyond ? its so vast the cosmos...it just BEGS to be explored yes ?

    do you think there are some terrifying lifeforms and species beyond our solar system , out of our reach of contact ?Do you ever stare up into a clear night sky - gaze @ the stars and get this insatiable urge to ?
    I get the same feeling, an overwhelming feeling of how small we all are and that we are just staring up at nothing, and everything at the same time. the universe has between 200 - 400 billion stars, so there is every possibility that somewhere there are other forms of life.Do you ever stare up into a clear night sky - gaze @ the stars and get this insatiable urge to ?
    ya. star gazing is one of my favorite activities. my college was in a podunk farming town so at night id get on the roof my dorm building and lay down on the highest thing there so all i can see from corner of eye to corner of eye is the pitch black starry night sky. feels like im gonna fall into it. its amazingly peaceful. im more of the lazy type so i dont get the urge to go exploring but im just like ';aaaaaaaaahhhh'; like a really good massage or orgasm
    Which solar system would you explore. I mean which constellation would you pick first, then you could find your star. Yes their are life forms out their. It's a matter of which direction you planned on though. Hey why don't you be an astronaut.
    There are terrifying lifeforms right on this planet ...

    Both this planet and the universe begs to be explored (they are one in the same really).
    no, but I have been known to howl at a full moon now and then.

    We can see stars because they are light sources. But why can we see satellites in clear night sky?

    beause stars are not light sources they merely reflect the light from the sun back to our eyes, and a satelight can do very much the same thing, however since they are much closer than stars and are also tangibly between the sun and the earth we can see the silouettes in the daytime as well. but we cant see the stars in the day because they are father than the sun (or at least most of them) and so get ';lost'; or overpowered between the sun and our eyes.We can see stars because they are light sources. But why can we see satellites in clear night sky?
    You sometimes can but may not know that is a satellite.We can see stars because they are light sources. But why can we see satellites in clear night sky?
    Because they reflect sunlight and are really close to Earth. In fact satellites orbit the Earth, at a much nearer distance than that of the Moon.
    They are reflecting light from the Sun, just like the Moon does.
    Because they reflect light from other light source as our mother earth or her sister planets.

    As satellites (natural) reflect light from its surface absorbing some amount as for its content its colour varies. As for man made ones they are of metallic surface which mainly reflect light.
    Because they reflect the sun that shines on them
    every once in a while a person gets to see an object which to the naked eye looks just like a very slow moving shooting star.

    this is nothing but a man made satellite.

    every man made satellite's basic structure includes huge solar panels which are the source of the satellites energy. These panels must be inclined perpendicularly to the sun so as to get the maximum power conversion in the panel. this means at most instances, the satellite's panels are inclined at an angle to the sun which means that it reflects all that sunlight to earth after absorbing a little for electricity

    this sunlight gets focused on earth, and thus the satellite can be seen for a short time span on earth by an observer who falls within the focus of the sunlight.this happens both in daytime and at night, but since the sun is brighter than partially absorbed reflected sunlight, these satellites are visible only at night

    I want to know what stars and planets I'm looking at on a clear night?

    does anybody know any sites where i can find this infomationI want to know what stars and planets I'm looking at on a clear night?
    Either get yourself a planisphere as mentioned, or download Stellarium (like Google Earth, only from the ground looking out). If you know and can locate Orion, about an out-streched hand's width up from his belt is Mars (the big bright red one). And Saturn is visible this time of year, but you need to find a chart to locate it really. Hard to explain in writing.

    I highly recommend 'New Astronomer' by Carole Stott (http://www.amazon.co.uk/New-Astronomer-Carole-Stott/dp/0751306665/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8%26amp;s=gateway%26amp;qid=1203013105%26amp;sr=8-1), a great introductory book for astronomy, which comes with a free planisphere, and detailed sky maps, including locations of the planets for the next few years.I want to know what stars and planets I'm looking at on a clear night?
    You can buy a plastic circle on which all the stars are printed. A concentric plastic circle secured over the circle star chart is turned to set the date and time. The plastic circle star chart can then be compared to the heavons.

    Sorry I cant recollect the name of the devise ... its about 9inches diameter.

    I keep it in my caravan for those dark star luminous nights!
    There are astronomy sites out there. Like Sky and Telescope

    Right now there is Mars at night from sundown til 2 AM overhead

    Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in the morning 2 to 1 1/2 hours before sunrise in the East
    The milky Way. Venus. Orion (The Hunter) are the main ones on clear,cold nights.

    Google something and follow the links to what you want.
    I have a program on my cellphone (motorola-Q) called pocketstars. It is perfect for that. you can drop by the bookstore and pick up an astronomy book with a chart in it. otherwise do a search on star charts.
    Get yourself one of those circular map things to give you all the info you need, but just as a quickie if you can't wait.....At the moment (UK) on a clear night you can see the Plough - looks like a question mark on its side, and Orion - got 3 stars in a straight line (that's Orion's belt) - they are on the squiff as well but you can't really miss them. I think Saturn is viewable too at the moment. Have fun.
    For the stars, one of the very best things you can buy is a planisphere (those ';circular map things'; that people keep talking about). The bigger the better; mine is the great big one published by Firefly, and on many nights it's the only star chart I need. Yes, there are web sites, but even a laptop is nowhere nearly as portable.

    For the planets, try the charts at Sky %26amp; Telescope's web site.

    Addendum: one of the better books for finding your way around the sky and identifying the constellations is ';The Stars: a New Way to See Them'; by H.A. Rey.

    A planisphere is also handy for ';what if'; questions, like ';When does Sirius rise at dawn?';
    Go to www.skymaps.com

    You can print out a map of the sky for any month of the year for either the northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere.

    *****Also, if you go to http://www.stellarium.org you can download a free program that depicts the sky on your computer. It's an excellent program.

    I have a problem in svr2006 when i play slobber knocker in challenge in rising star they say that not cleared?

    I had the same problem. What I did was compete in the Slobber Knocker with a raw superstar which let me go til Iwas pin after beating 52 people.I have a problem in svr2006 when i play slobber knocker in challenge in rising star they say that not cleared?
    check your difficulty level maybe its on easyI have a problem in svr2006 when i play slobber knocker in challenge in rising star they say that not cleared?
    man its the stupid game it glitches it did the same thing to me but on the eliminate 10 people in the royal rumble there pretty much nothing to do but if you want all the wrestlers and areanas then go buy a action replay or gameshark thats wat i do when a game glithes just cheat cause they gmes is cheating u
    it does not mean you have to beat just one guy you have beat that much players that you're rank becomes no. 1
    this problem i think that in most of the games

    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Stars that are visible in the local sky on any clear night of the year, at any time of the night, are called _

    Stars that are visible in the local sky on any clear night of the year, at any time of the night, are called _________.




    circumpolarStars that are visible in the local sky on any clear night of the year, at any time of the night, are called _
    I think 'circumpolar', because the defining characteristic is that they never set. This seems to match up best with your requirements (eg any time of year, any time of night).Stars that are visible in the local sky on any clear night of the year, at any time of the night, are called _

    STAR sign help(need help clearing my doubts!)?

    Hello guys, i have a question bout star sign, i was born on 6th july , so my star sign should be cancer but theres a werid thing, i read up star sigh leo and 99% of star sign leo matches me, how come ? I should be cancer but why my character matches leo ............. or i should not believe in this,lol. i am sure my birth date is right and i my character also matches star sign cancer.Cant be i have both star sign right ?

    STAR sign help(need help clearing my doubts!)?
    Either your birth date is wrong, or horoscopes are wrong.

    You decide for yourself which one you believe.
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  • Why in space u cannot see stars whereas from earth is so clear?

    when i watch news about space exploration, when they show the footage of space, i cannot see any stars. Why is this? from earth its so clear???Why in space u cannot see stars whereas from earth is so clear?
    This is an illusion. The aperture used on cameras in space is so small as not to allow enough light in to be able to see the stars. Try using a video camera to video the night sky on earth, you will find that you won't see the stars then either.

    Don't worry, the stars don't disappear when you get to space.Why in space u cannot see stars whereas from earth is so clear?
    The stars are even clearer when viewed from space. The images you are seeing are taken with a film or video camera, bit of which can only show a limited range of brighnesses.

    If the camera has been set to show the earth, the moon, or a brightly lit spacecraft clearly then the stars may still be too dim to show up on the film, even in space.

    If, on the other hand, you set the camera up to take picture of stars and point the camer in the right direction, you can get some beautiful images.
    You can see stars very clearly in space. They were used in the Apollo missions for navigational purposes, to determine the orientation of the vehicle. As someone else correctly pointed out, the camera has to be stopped down so much, because of the light from the sun, that the stars become too dim to be registered. That's the same reason you don't see the stars in the photos taken on the moon.
    The simplest answer is that if you are in orbit and happen to be able to see the sun, you are in the daylight or the day-side of the Earth. In the same way you cannot see stars from Earth during the day, you cannot see stars from orbit during the ';day'; either. Wait until you orbit around to the night side of Earth and it will be a whole different story (assuming your spacecraft/suit doesn't have too many bright lights to drown out the stars!)
    If you're in low orbit, and on the daytime side, then the light being reflected from the earth is bright - and would obscure your view of the stars in the same way as light pollution on earth hinders astronomers.
    This is all due to light settings and film exposure. The main image you will be looking at in these pictures is so brightly lit and over-exposed that it ';drowns out'; the light coming from the stars.

    To see how well you can actually see stars from space, just look at the results from the Hubble Space Telescope. (See link)
    I reckon it's because stars are balls of gas. I mean think about it, if you are close to a ball of gas it wouldn't be visible.
    because it's being filmed in a hollywood studio

    On a clear night how many stars can u see with nacked eye?

    about 3000On a clear night how many stars can u see with nacked eye?
    over 2000, but certainly not all of themOn a clear night how many stars can u see with nacked eye?
    Hey Mandevil Fly,

    If you are in a city, even on a clear night, you cannot see the stars as clearly as if you were on a mountain top far away from any city lights. But there are literally billions of stars to be seen. They merge into a band, from the clearest place I ever saw them in the California desert.
    i usually don't count.
    with a nacked eye? Spell check :D naked eye. and it depends on your location and NO YOU CANNOT SEE ALL OF THEM!!! It takes millions of light years to see light from a star. Sometimes by the time we see the light here the star has already died. :D
    All of them.
    Depends on where you live. If you live in the city, only a few - the very brightest, which are probably some of the planets (ex. Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and maybe Venus), and a couple others. But if you're in the country... o man. It's waaayyy to many to count. You can see the Milky Way, and the center of our galaxy in the Milky Way (our solar system is on the edge of the M.W.), a majority of the planets, and thousands upon millions of other stars %26amp; galaxies. I know I didn't give you an exact number, but I hope this helps.
    NONE!! the light pollution is so bad
    all of them and you
    too many for me to count

    On a clear, dark night, the sky may appear to be ';full'; of stars. ?

    On a clear, dark night, the sky may appear to be ';full'; of stars. Does this appearance accurately reflect the way stars are distributed in space? Explain.On a clear, dark night, the sky may appear to be ';full'; of stars. ?
    Not really. First of all, everything in the universe is very far away from one another. Light years away. A light year is how far light travels in one year. The closest star, Proxima Centauri, is about 4.2 light years away. This means if I were to point a telescope at it right now, I would see what it looked like 4.2 years ago. So if it exploded when I was watching it, I wouldn't know about it for another 4.2 years. Now, there's another star called ';Sirius'; which is around 8.6 light years away. Now, I'm not viewing Proxima Centauri and Sirius as the were at the same time because the distance between them is so great. One could have moved half way across the sky, and I wouldn't know about it. And the distances among other stars are even greater than this.

    Also, cosmic dust and the thick gases in our atmosphere scramble the light we do get and often block our views of some of the fainter stars.On a clear, dark night, the sky may appear to be ';full'; of stars. ?
    Most of the stars you can see at night are actually close neighbours to us in the Milky Way - a few hundred light-years away at the most. The Milky Way itself gives you a view a little further, due to the sheer number packed together in the plane of the galaxy's disk, but sight is quickly blocked by dust clouds, so we can't actually see the centre of the galaxy.

    If you take the long view, space is mostly empty, with most of the mass gathered into galaxies that are scattered more or less uniformly throughout the universe.
    Stars are always there, say few billions. As you know, on day time, due to sun light, we are unable to see stars. On the other hand, on a clear dark night, we are able to see light emitted from stars. Remember, sunlight takes 8 minutes to reach earth, which means sun is 8 light minutes away from earth. Like wise, majority of the stars or galaxies(collection of stars) are many light years away. Earth which is spherical in shape make the sky view spectacular, we view many stars distributed, though they are at very great distance, even beyond our imagination. Please understand, location of stars are not exactly as we see because of defraction(bending of light rays) thru atmosphere. That is why we have telescope in outerspace.
    No, because there are extensive clouds of dust and gas which block our view of much of our galaxy.

    I have sen lightning coming from a clear blu skie. (At night, stars all around me) What the h... was it?

    dry heatI have sen lightning coming from a clear blu skie. (At night, stars all around me) What the h... was it?
    could have been heat lighteningI have sen lightning coming from a clear blu skie. (At night, stars all around me) What the h... was it?
    It's called ';heat lightning,'; caused by a build-up of charged particles in the air.


    Few scientists believe in ';heat lightning.'; They insist it's just lightning too far away to hear the tthunder. Some say it happens only at night.

    Having seen heat lightning in broad daylight, I know it occurs during the day. It is usually far off, so it may be you can't see the clouds. When I saw it, I was walking home from school and when I got home, the news was all over the radio about the famous Worcester tornado. That was the direction I saw the lighning in, from Leominster, 12 miles away.
    Lightning actually does strike ';from the blue';. Sometimes a lightning flash will travel for miles from the point of origin before it strikes. There are 3 different kinds of lightning, cloud to cloud, cloud to ground, and ground to cloud. I don't remember the specifics of what makes a lightning strike ';skip'; but I know it is possible. I would consider myself fortunate to have seen this and even more fortunate that I did not see it ';up close and personal';.

    POLL: Do you like lying in the sunlight on a nice day, or under the stars on a clear night?

    Under the stars of a clear night, helps me to think about life and I have the feeling that the stars are looking out for us all, and they make me feel like things are not that bad in life.POLL: Do you like lying in the sunlight on a nice day, or under the stars on a clear night?
    oOoOOoooOOooOoo Under the Stars totally i love them so much each one is important and unique kinda like the ppl in this world like the movie stars are the big dipper that everyone knows and cares about but the ppl that save lives everyday are over looked by the swarm of all the other stars wanting to be like the big dipper, more than wanting to make a difference in the world. but ne way i love looking at the stars ^__^POLL: Do you like lying in the sunlight on a nice day, or under the stars on a clear night?
    I like to do either, but there is something so comforting about laying under a sky full of stars...it makes you feel so tiny, but for me, soothing all at once.....

    I often lay on the kids trampoline when everyone is tucked in bed and do some thinking....I must look nuts, but i love it!!
    Under the stars. It's romantic, it's beautiful, it's amazing all at once! Especially when the moon is full...laying on a nice big blanket with the person you love underneath the stars. I love it.
    sunlight on a nice day. i love it when the sky is blue and the clouds are whit and puffy and it isnt to hot but u can still wear shorts comforatbly and there is a slight breeze
    i love the stars, but thats when the mosquitos get you. so i think ill go with laying out. cant go wrong there, i never burn.
    Under the stars and watching for ';falling stars';.
    What i love doing is lying under the stars at night. Like on a clear summer night. It is just so amazing and beautiful.
    stars - you can't get sunburn under the stars
    under the stars, on my hammock out back

    very relaxing
    The stars on a clear night, really beautiful :-)
    the sun burns.

    Stars for sure, a lot nicer to watch them twinkle than to squint under one extremely bright sun.
    I love the sun, but nothing can beat the beauty of the stars at night.
    Under the stars on a clear night - it's romantic!
    Under the stars on clear night in the summer
    under the stars on a clear night, it's be calm %26amp; vry peaceful, soothing to heart.
    Under the stars on a clear summer night.
    Absolutely! To both.
    under the shinning stars on a clean night with your partner, talking about your dreams.
    The stars on a clear night.
    the stars.

    unless im at the beach getting a tan in the sun
    under the stars on a clear night
    under the stars, its so peaceful and you dont have the sun beaming in your eyes
    under the stars on a warm clear night..the best!
    under the stars on a clear night :(
    The sunlight on a nice day :]
    under the stars i can think better and clearer
    Sunlight, I love the sun's warmth.
    the stars~
    Under the stars on a clear night. ahhh so nice.♥

    What trips your trigger, A full moon evening under the stars, Or a sunny clear tropical day,@ the beach?

    and naturally either with your lover.What trips your trigger, A full moon evening under the stars, Or a sunny clear tropical day,@ the beach?
    A full moon evening under the stars after a sunny tropical day on the beach.What trips your trigger, A full moon evening under the stars, Or a sunny clear tropical day,@ the beach?
    A full Moon :) evening under the stars :)
    Either one, with my lover. He's the best!
    Chilly, full moon, stars, waves splashing near your feet, etc.etc...
  • black hair styles
  • When you look up at the stars on a clear night.......?

    1. What do you think?

    2. What do you feel?When you look up at the stars on a clear night.......?
    1. How very small I feel. And if it's a clear night with alot of stars that it's going to be a beautiful day tomorrow.

    2. Awed and totally at peace.When you look up at the stars on a clear night.......?
    I wish I could fly...and be one with the night...I feel so small..
    I think about a starry night at camp last summer, and I feel sorrow, for the friend I made that night and lost the next.
    Get binoculars and do some stargazing.

    The dark sky is beautiful.

    Are you a member of an astronomy club?
    1. i wonder if there someone out there who needs me then ppl here need me

    At peace :)
    1 - Wow, what a beautiful sight!!!

    2 - Impressed
    1. I think that there's a hell of a lot of stars

    2. I feel tranquility. Very nice. I don't get it much anymore though x(
    Ohemgee!! i need a few more rounds.
    billy is in awe and feels very small

    Do you look at the stars on a clear night.....?

    and wonder.....?Do you look at the stars on a clear night.....?
    Yes and I wonder if you are wishing on the same one I am.Do you look at the stars on a clear night.....?
    yes, they are pretty..
    Not just on a clear night, any given night . And i wonder if there is life up there or not.
    all the time
    actually, every night...
    all the time,northern lights too.
    all the time. there is just something calming about the stars. they are relaxing and they help relive stress.
    sometimes i do... I generally look at the moon
    yea, and sometimes i end up crying ??????????????? have no idea why
    Yes, ever since I was a kid, I like to look up in the sky and look for stars, especially when I'm kinda depress. Well, I guess, I find comfort every time I look at the stars.
    yeah, its nice and neat.
    I look up at them and wonder- if God put them up there for us to see, why did he make them impossible to get to? I've always wanted to see: ';Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.';
    Yeah I like going and laying with my horses in pasture an just looking at the stars untill I fall asleep
    I sometimes do.

    What do we see in the Stars, when we stand in awe of a clear Y!A sky?

    We marvel at the eager willingness of sycophantic people, who endeavor, by clicking a diminutive star emblem, to swindle us into bestowing upon them 10 useless and utterly inconsequential points.

    P.S. I starred you.What do we see in the Stars, when we stand in awe of a clear Y!A sky?
    Oh just kidding - star to your heart's desire. lol

    Report Abuse

    What do we see in the Stars, when we stand in awe of a clear Y!A sky?
    what is a Y!A sky?
    Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day......
    we see the stars shining brightly on the horizon of this part of the Yahoo world, we amaze ourselves in how intelligent we are, and in our ability to realize intelligence
    that their disposition's round the corner

    As it is clear the galaxies contain Halo,dust and stars,What is the source of dust and how we can observe it?

    Vincent G's answer is mostly but not entirely correct. The dust is NOT primordial. Dust consists pretty much entirely of heavy elements, and thus all of it is created by having been expelled from stars, usually by supernova. Some can be expelled from novae as well, if there is carbon burning near the surface.

    As stated correctly in the other answers, it blocks visible light and so can be observed by absorption in the visible and by emission in the infrared. The emission is re-radiation of absorbed starlight.As it is clear the galaxies contain Halo,dust and stars,What is the source of dust and how we can observe it?
    Possible from the black hole in the center of the Galaxy.As it is clear the galaxies contain Halo,dust and stars,What is the source of dust and how we can observe it?
    Cosmic dust has multiple sources, mainly two causes: matter in agglomeration or matter in dispersion. It is only observable when it forms clouds.
    The dust is a mix of primordial gas that actually did not yet condense into stars plus gas that was expelled by stars going supernova.

    Since the ';dust'; as such is not an energy producer, it can only be observed when it block, absorbs and reemits energy from stars around it.
    Interstellar dust usually forms near stars, and is blown out into the interstellar medium with the star's solar wind. Some stars make much more dust than others.

    The dust is observable in absorption in visible light, and in emission in the infrared.

    Do you like looking up at the stars and just clear out everything and just think?

    Yes, but not during the day, it hurts my eyes.Do you like looking up at the stars and just clear out everything and just think?

    I love to marvel at how insignificant we are in this universe.

    How miniscule we are in comparison to space.

    How beautiful, awesome and powerful nature is.

    And wonder if there is a being on one of those distant stars, lying there looking down at earth, wondering if there is a being on that distant star, just like me! lolDo you like looking up at the stars and just clear out everything and just think?
    I love it. It makes me sad when i cant see any stars. Its kinda queer but iv gone outside in the middle of the night becuase i cant sleep and watched the sky. or lay in the rain.
    i love it.

    Yes, there are many nights I do just that. Clearing thoughts, wondering, wishing, dreaming and hoping that my friends are doing the same!


    Yes, i just lay there looking and my mind wonders into a new place, it is awesome !!!!

    oh it reaminds me:

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

    I wonder where you are

    Up above in the sky

    yes. yes. yes. i really try to do stuff like that. it's like therapy without paying for it. =^]
    yeah ..

    star for you *.*.*.*.*
    no, I look at them and notice where they have shifted position. I am filled with awe at their majesty.
    All the time
    Yep did this last night actually.
    Yes, Its so peaceful

    You bet!
    of course. i get on my roof and relax =)

    I rather sunset though. Its soo more magical.

    its entrancing.
    HEY!. i do that everyday...
    Always , best thing to do at the end of a day !
    yes, there is nothing better.
    yeah i love it :)
    who doesn't when they need to re-leave stress.
  • black hair styles
  • Astronomy, can someone clear this up for me? Stars?

    Stars, or a specific something inside of a star is heavier than ALL the elements on the periodic table of elements? Is that correct? What is that something?Astronomy, can someone clear this up for me? Stars?
    This is incorrect. The heaviest element present in any star would be iron. Generally, most stars are composed of hydrogen and helium.

    Now! Lets look at the example of something like a pulsar/neutron star. With that, it's composed virtually entirely of iron. The difference is that because there was once a star in it's place, the iron is compressed to a point beyond comprehension (one tablespoon of neutron star would weigh about the same as the empire state building!). However in the end, it's still just iron. Think about how you can have two weights of the same size, but one is heavier even though they're made of the same material. You can compress metals, but only to a certain point with current technology. It's kind fo rough to beat that Nuclear strong and weak force.Astronomy, can someone clear this up for me? Stars?
    Elements heavier than iron, like gold and uranium, are created by stars, probably during a supernova. That is how they came to be here on earth.

    Anything heavier than uranium is so unstable and short-lived, that even if it was created inside a supernova (and that is an event we cannot investigate, so we aren't sure what is created there), the half-life of it meant it decayed long ago.
    The heaviest thing in a star is iron. If it gets too much iron the star will explode leading to a super-nova(when the star converts hydrogen to helium then it keeps converting until iron). Merging of iron atoms don't work so the star blows up.

    Iron is not the heaviest element on the periodic table, it is far from it.

    You might be talking about black holes. They are ';heavy';. Its gravitation field strength can even suck in light.
    basically everyone is right (from what i glanced at) inside a ';living'; star the heaviest element possible is iron and that is just before the end of the star's life, a few slightly heavier elements are created before the star goes boom but most of the rest are created by the shockwave from the explosion hitting gas that the star puffed off earlier.

    a neutron star (all pulsars are neutron stars but not all neutron stars are pulsars) is basically nothing but neutrons, about 10-15 km across but up to 8 times heavier than our sun. now that could be argued as the heaviest single thing.

    but if the star is heavier it will collapse into a singularity. a singularity is a region of space witrh zero radius and infinite density. this thing would be the heaviest object possible since a singularity can weigh more than an entire galaxy but still only be of zero radius. the black hole around the singularity will get larger but the singulerity itself will not.

    so i think that might be what you mean.
    Kenny and his fan are exactly wrong. There are heavier elements than iron in stars because part of the star is made up of material from previous stars. Only the first stars were limited to iron and under. Neutron stars are not made of iron either. Once the matter degenerates to the neutron state, protons cease to exist, and there are no elements. Just neutrons.
    Kenny there is exactly Correct.

    I'm quite suprised. :D
    No, that is not correct. Where did you hear that?

    Why hotel rooms, even 5 stars, don't have a lamp on the ceiling, I just like a clear room. I think is stupid !

    I can see your point. Most of the hotels even the higher rated and pricey ones believe in dim lighting - romantic? guess not .Perhaps cost savings? These days there are brighter and energy saving bulbs in the market and so cost should not be too much of a concern since the guest is already paying premium rates for the room, I guess.

    But I appreciate some of the more thoughtful ones who give you ample light points and also plug-in socket points. Guess ho gets my return business.Why hotel rooms, even 5 stars, don't have a lamp on the ceiling, I just like a clear room. I think is stupid !
    Lamps are put on tables or floors. Light fixtures hang from a ceiling. Other than that, I have no idea what you're talking about.

    To all in the uk, have you got a clear sky full of stars tonight.?

    It is such a night here in Bournemouth.....To all in the uk, have you got a clear sky full of stars tonight.?
    Thank you....

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    To all in the uk, have you got a clear sky full of stars tonight.?
    not really here in Peckham (London) but probably in my hometown where light pollution dosent fuc* up everything!
    Yes I have, it's certainly very beautiful and peaceful tonight.
    Yes it has been a great evening and a brilliant night here.
    not in the uk im on the island and its so ugly out.
    it's black ..xx..no stars..well i can't see any from where i am..xx
    Same here Northern England
    no! its slamming itdown here and has been all day! (Nottingham. England)
    Not in my part of London !
    its cloudy in cornwall but its been a brilliant day
    nope too cloudy we had thunder and lightning a minute ago
    No I didn`t,,,
    no,i am in the north west and it is very cloudy :)

    Clear night beautiful stars?

    i am at the beach with my gf for a while.............we were out last night and the moon was so bright we couldnt see any stars.......so does anyone know when the night sky will be the most dark and have the most stars out? You would be helping me a lot she loves stars!!!!!Clear night beautiful stars?
    Depending on where you are, late-once the moon sets, early before it rises, or you'll have to wait until near the 24th when the moon is new. Right now you've got it bad, its almost full. I have empathy for you, I live in a fairly light polluted area but was on vacation in Oregon last week. One day was perfect, though the moon was bright I was able to still see much more (though I wished I could have seen it completely dark). But when I got up to an observatory some days later, the moon was too bright for seeing much. Good luck, I hope you get a chance because once you've seen the real Milky Way, the stars are never the same!Clear night beautiful stars?
    The answer ought to be obvious. It will be when the moon is in it's new, or dark, phase an on a cloudless night.
    The stars are always out. Just in the daytime or when it's cloudy you can't see them.
    The next New Moon will be July 25. For more optimal stargazing dates, check here:
    You must be in the city...it isn't the moon blocking the star~shine it is the smoginess....and city lights blocking the stars view of you, from you too. If you aren't in a city then I dunno, really.
    nope sorry what beach are u at

    Which child star do you expect to come crashing down the path already cleared by those others?

    all of those kids on the high school musical movies.Which child star do you expect to come crashing down the path already cleared by those others?
    They are all adults anyway!

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    Which child star do you expect to come crashing down the path already cleared by those others?
    Dakota Fanning
    Raven-Symone and Miley Cyrus!
    Haley Joel Osmond (the i see dead people kid)

    All of the kids that play the role of a demon possessed kid on the day time soaps.

    The little boy on Ugly Betty!!!!!
    I am still hoping Britney or Christina Aguillira pose naked in Playboy one day! Debbie Gibson and Tiffany did it so why not them!
    frankie muniz.
    Dora the Explorer
    Just wait until the kid who played Webster grows up, he will have some problems.

    When you see stars are they clear enough for you to make out constellations amongst them?

    I see more constellations when I go up on the moon.When you see stars are they clear enough for you to make out constellations amongst them?
    On a clear night and in the right time of the night I can see the big dipper and little dipper and the north star .When you see stars are they clear enough for you to make out constellations amongst them?
    Yep I live out in the country where the night sky is clear and beautiful^-^
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  • How many stars are can bee seen in a clear night from a place?

    It depends on your location. If you are in the city then there is so much light being shed skywards that all the faint stars disappear, only the Moon and the brightest planets and stars remain visible. This is called a ';light pollution';, which is the bane of all astronomers. A Light Pollution is defined as the accumulation of background light from homes, automobiles, streetlights and any other source of light in an urban area. This accumulation of background lighting can make it difficult to see the stars at night.

    Budding stargazers like you will find the countryside as an ideal site in watching the stars in its full glory. And summer is the ideal season to start looking. While cool winter skies are less obscured by haze and humidity, temperatures can be prohibitively cold. Since the best night skies are in very remote locations where lodging options are limited to small inns or outdoors camping, potential stargazers should get used to the idea of roughing it. The pay-off will be more than memorable, however, when you return with memories of a galaxy rarely seen.How many stars are can bee seen in a clear night from a place?
    earth is a planet on the edge of milky way. on a clear night we can see stars on the edge of milky way. some of the stars emitted the lights we see billions of years ago.so we can see as many stars which emitted radiation [which reaches the earth] about 4 billion years agoHow many stars are can bee seen in a clear night from a place?
    well i believe it depends on where exactly you are!

    personally i can see way more stars when i'm in a village town ( which has less lighting) to a more developed city.

    When did you last take time to appreciate the stars on a clear night?

    Haven't done that for a while - probably not properly appreicated since last trip to Tassie. Hey, you just reminded me - are we still on for the eclipse tomorrow? I'm sure it was the 28th?When did you last take time to appreciate the stars on a clear night?
    wow.... a long time ago.....When did you last take time to appreciate the stars on a clear night?
    Every night. I take my dog out for a potty break around 10 or so. I always stare at the moon and stars. I used to have a telescope, and a few years ago I saw Saturn's rings. They were this stark band of color around it. Awe inspiring.
    Last month we were in Michigan, the sky was spectacular. There were so many stars you couldn't make out all the constellations.
    I spend time in the desert far from any light pollution. I sleep on the desert floor in a mesh-top tent and lay there staring up pondering the wonders of the universe.

    If you've never tried it, go to New Mexico. Much of the state is at 7000-8000 ft above sea level - low humidity and haze - less atmosphere to hinder the view. It's amazing how many stars are visible.
    Tonight. Honestly, almost every night I like to wander outside and see the wonders.

    When the night sky is clear and the stars are bright, what are you thinking?

    I'd wish to be the one of the stars at night, to shine on people who were feeling down, so they would feel better. In real life i wouldn't have this positive impact on anyone else, so i've always wanted to be a star which shone bright.When the night sky is clear and the stars are bright, what are you thinking?
    If I don't get back inside on this winter night I will freeze to death.When the night sky is clear and the stars are bright, what are you thinking?
    I really don't think about anything I just get lost in the quiet and stillness while looking up at the stars
    I'm thinking how beautiful this, and I'm making a wish on the first star i see.
    That there out there.
    how small I really am
    how absolutely beautiful the world is

    %26amp; wishing everything on land were as peaceful as the sky...
    If there's anybody else out there and if they're thinking the same thing we are. Looking at all those beautiful stars makes you realize just how small we are in this big universe.
    With the right fire power, I could shoot the man in the moon right between his eyes.
    takes my breath away, all i can think

    of is:

    GEEEwizzzzz THAT'S FAR !!

    ( sorry, but infinity blows my mind )
    What's this Chic's name? It's a joke!
    There truly must be a God to create all this beauty....
    I gotta go camping!
    in the winter im thinking it's gonna be cold tonight
    Wow, somebody stole my tent.
    how wonderous life is, how small a part my life is in the universe and how much God loves me, for he gave me the opportunity to admire his works.
    ';It's funny how, at moments like this, I miss my mom, even though she's horrible to me when we are together.'; (Actual thought that popped into my head when I imagined that scenario)
    How peaceful and quite it is looking into those eyes. It's a beautiful sight.
    I think of loved ones who are gone.
    If camped in the mountains: ';Wow, that's awesome, there's so many.';

    If near home, or really anywhere but in the mountains: ';This would look so much better in the mountains.';
    of a rainbow...
    It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day... what a wonderful world, the skies are blue...
    I think of people that are far away and wondering if they are looking at the same stars and wondering about me.
    ohmgsh..it's so beautiful..
    I'm thinking about distant family members who might at that very moment be looking at the stars and we are therefore close in a way because we are looking at the same thing.
    i think because u r beautiful today
    Sex. So what else is new?

    ';Lord Jesus, You are so amazing! You at what you made! It's so pretty!'; or ';Omigosh its so cold!';
    ';God, I miss him so much...';
    ';Ah, there is Orion's belt!';
    If anyone else lives in this huge universe .. There has to be other life.. right?

    On a clear night and looking at distant stars,?

    Are we really looking at what was and not, what is.On a clear night and looking at distant stars,?
    Absolutely. The stars you see out there in the night sky are thousands, or millions of light years away, and in order for the light that enters your eye to get here it must go on a journey taking the same amount of time as the number of light years it is away from us. It is pretty amazing.On a clear night and looking at distant stars,?
    Short and to the point.

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    Yes. It's a history lesson. They could all go bang within ten seconds of you looking and you'd never know for years, if ever.
    The speed of light could mean that some of the things we are seeing could be gone. The light from the stars takes years to reach us, so the star could have been destroyed years ago, and we wouldnt know untill all the light had reached us.

    The light from the sun takes 8 years to reach us.
    The light we see from stars has left the star light years ago. So your right dude.
    so they say but it seems hard to believe.
    Yes, in a way. Back in time, some thousands of years ago.
    Yes. That is true of the Moon (2 seconds) and Sun (8 minutes), too.
    We are looking at ';what was' because these stars are so far away the time it takes for he light to reach us...well we could be looking at deceased stars...so it's really not what is.
    Yep, the stars are so many light years away that light from the major constellations takes thousands upon thousands of years to reach us.

    If you're into your astronomy, you will know about the ';Pillars of creation';, giant gas clouds in a nebula, it has been postulated that a nearby Giant star has already gone supernova and has destroyed them by basically blowing all their gas away, however, due to the enormous distance to these objects, it will take the light thousands of years to reach us.

    So when you look at the Hubble photos of them, just remember that they aren't there anymore sorry. But we wont be able to see their destruction for many thousands of years.
    Yes. The planet Earth is 7 light years from the nearest star, which means that the light you are viewing was generated by a star about 7 years ago.
    light bends due to gravitation, the position of stars is really located in a different position. what we are really lookingis billion year old light.
    A little bit of both. When we look at the stars, we're receiving light that is millions of years old. The youngest light that we receive, other than that of the sun, is about 4.36 years old. It's possible that none of those stars exist anymore. But as long as we continue getting light from those stars, nighttime will be a beautiful thing.
    we are looking at howthey were not how they are because light can only travel so fast.And it takes light a long time to get to our planet
    Nope.......watch the science channel some time.....very interesting stuff

    But it is just like where there is a loud bang a few hundred yards away and there is a delay before you hear it - are you hearing what was, and not what is? yes.
    Yes, that is what I have heard, when you see the light from a Star is take years to reach our plannet, so basically we are seeing what was.
    Absolutely, but personally I am really sad of that idea.
    You're looking at what was happening, the time it took the light to travel here - ago, if that makes sense ! ! !
    Yes, we are looking at the past. Strange, huh?? By the time the light from stars reaches our eyes here on Earth, all of those stars may have changed already. Personally, I sort of like the thought of it...

    When you are in an airplane on a clear night, why can't you see the stars?

    I looked out the window %26amp; I could see lights below, %26amp; no clouds, but could not see one star! What's up? PS. the moon was out %26amp; could see it clearly.When you are in an airplane on a clear night, why can't you see the stars?
    Can you see stars from inside your house by looking through the window when the lights are on? Turn off all the internal lights in your aeroplane and you will see stars through the windows if you look up. The other passengers might complain though.

    In the 1930s aeroplanes were navigated at night by celestial navigation, just like ships. That meant the navigator turned off all internal lights and used a sextant to measure elevations of certain stars. Then with charts and chronometer they could find their position to within a few (dozen) miles.

    In the early stages of World War II British bombers used this method to find their targets. It was so inaccurate that it is estimated that only a few bombs fell within 5 miles of their targets and it led to the accidental bombing of non-military targets. The Germans also wondered why the British were industriously bombing empty fields.When you are in an airplane on a clear night, why can't you see the stars?
    Even on a clear dark night, your eyes need 10 to 20 minutes to fully adapt to night vision mode in low light conditions. When the moon is up, it usually is to bright for full dark adaptation to take place. Even the ambient light in the cabin is enough to destroy your night vision so that you'll be able to see only the brightest stars through the windows, and that's with cupping your hands around your eyes to block stray light coming in from the sides while you have your nose and forehead on the window. I've done that, but I was young enough I could get away with doing that.
    +Between the brightness of the moon and the fact that you were in a brightly lit environment, it isn't surprising you could not see stars. Especially with all that backlight reflecting off the glass. Unless a star is particularly bright, your eyes need to adjust to dark surroundings in order to see them with the naked eye. Do the same thing from your living room window one evening with all the lights on and a bright moon. You'll get the same effect.
    You can see the stars if it's not a moonlit night and the lights in the plane's cabin are dimmed. Even so, you can only see the bright stars. I can recall one night when I flying over Los Angeles and looked out the window. I could see the southern cross, which is not normally visible from that latitude. Then the plane turned and I lost sight of it.
    Your eyes weren't properly dark adapted because of the cabin lights. Stars are actually very faint; your eyes automatically adjust the brightness of every image you see so it seems like there's less of a difference between day and night.
    is there lights around you?
    cause you still have to look up

    A clear evening tonight and there are two 'stars' just above the horizon. The lower one is much brighter....?

    ...than the other. Are these the planets Mars and Venus?A clear evening tonight and there are two 'stars' just above the horizon. The lower one is much brighter....?

    This is fantastic freeware that you can download. it is an interactive star chart. Tell it where you are and it will tell you what you see. Ask it where something is and it will tell you. This will answer this question for you now plus many more like these in the future.A clear evening tonight and there are two 'stars' just above the horizon. The lower one is much brighter....?
    The brighter one is Venus, the dimmer one is Jupiter.

    Bright one is Venus,the other is Jupiter. Look tomorrow,,,crescent moon joins the party. have fun.
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  • Do u like gazing at the stars on a clear night?

    Yea i just love to watch the sky full of stars when there is no interruption by the whether..i use to go to beach in night at around 2am..well at that point of time, u cant see even a single ray of artificial light..all u can see is a black sheet decorated by the white stars and along with that the sound of the waves clashing with each other...its so beautiful to watch and appreciate the nature..Do u like gazing at the stars on a clear night?
    Yes, definitely. I can be outside for hours and see which constellations, stars and planets I recognise.

    If I have a pair of binoculars with me, it's even more fun.Do u like gazing at the stars on a clear night?
    As long as I can remember, unfortunately I can only see south east to south west because of light pollution to the north of my house.
    I love gazing at stars in night especially when I hv my best friends with me.
    yes i do enjoy star gazing at night.

    but what is the purpose of this question
    Yes I do

    Where is the best and clearest place to see stars and falling stars?

    I all ready know the dates on which they occur (falling stars) but i need to know which places are the best to spot them. As in Germany or Switzerland... ThanksWhere is the best and clearest place to see stars and falling stars?
    Anywhere with clear air and not too much light pollution. Mountains are usually a good bet.

    You can still see stars and meteors in the middle of a city, you just see more if you are in a darker place with clearer air.Where is the best and clearest place to see stars and falling stars?
    In the mountains of the himalayas. There you'll see more stars than ever viewed from any other place in the world.

    Is this package is true. how i win two lottory draw at a time.. and why you claim clearing charges at star.?

    I have got many message like this regarding wining lottory but after submission all documents i didinot get nothing from those companies. so how you assure me that you are paying me 250000 US dollor without doing nothing.Is this package is true. how i win two lottory draw at a time.. and why you claim clearing charges at star.?
    If you actually submitted documents with personal information, social security information, credit information, or any other such information, you're in trouble. They are not giving you money for nothing, they are scamming you. They will use this to steal your identity and issue credit cards in your name.

    Look into getting a fraud warning put on your credit and speak to an advisor on these matters. Google is ripe with information on what to do if you've been defrauded. Given that I don't know exactly how the scam worked, I can't really advise any further.

    Good luck.Is this package is true. how i win two lottory draw at a time.. and why you claim clearing charges at star.?
    If you fell for that, you deserve to lose your money and give your social security and bank account to a stranger.
    no, they all are fake and don't get into such matters as many a times they have cheated people and moreover it an enormous wastage of time and money.

    Where is the clearest place on earth for star gazing?

    The Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii.

    ';The altitude and isolation in the middle of the Pacific Ocean makes Mauna Kea one of the best locations on earth for ground-based astronomy';

    Wikipedia.Where is the clearest place on earth for star gazing?
    Hi. Antarctica. But usually at a high mountain top.Where is the clearest place on earth for star gazing?
    The Atacama desert, on the highest mountains, breathing bottled oxygen.
    On a hill or mountain out away from man made lights.
    Antarctica and the Atacama desert tie for first.
    deserts ;}
    North Pole
    The clearest,darkest sky without bring car head lights obstructing the view...like golf course.

    How can i clear my pc and star over from the first time i got it?

    formatting the hard disk and installing all the softwares again can make it as good as newHow can i clear my pc and star over from the first time i got it?
    XPhome, Pro. SP1, SP2

    either way doesn't matter...

    Start%26gt;run%26gt;(type)msconfig%26gt;ok%26gt;Launch system restore

    Start%26gt;All programs%26gt;accessories%26gt;System Tools%26gt;System Restore

    Or restart PC and go to Restore console...

    Start%26gt;run%26gt;msconfig%26gt;ok%26gt;boot.ini tab%26gt;check safeboot%26gt;DSREPAIR circle select that. Restart.

    When your PC restarts watch quickly for the command for the restore console.

    **MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE WINXP PRODUCT KEY!***How can i clear my pc and star over from the first time i got it?
    Just that you have to reinstall all drivers for sound video printer and any other hardware connected. When you reformat its going to wide the hard drive clean of everything that makes it work
    Put Windows XP Disk in the system boot through it press Enter when it says Press any key to boot from CD and then Wait until you get Welcome to Setup, press Enter then Press F8, then press ESC then press d, then Enter then L the high light the highest partition in the box and Press Enter and now select Format Partition using NTFS Quick that should get your system back to Original State.

    Where can i find the cheapest Converse All Star Lo Clear Glow?

    i really want them for christmas and i was wondering ow much they were and i dont want my parents to spend a lot of money on me.....so can you please help?!!!!!!!!Where can i find the cheapest Converse All Star Lo Clear Glow?
    70 bucks.



    You may get lucky!Where can i find the cheapest Converse All Star Lo Clear Glow?
    the cheapest i got for any converse (i love converse) i got the lowest was $30
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  • Why are cloudy nights warmer than clear, star-lit nights?

    In daytime the sun heats the earth, more so on clear days than on cloudy days for obvious reasons.

    At night, that energy slowly fades away, but if there's clouds, it's like a blanket keeping it in, while it can disappear faster when there's no clouds (clear, starlit night).

    Think of it like a warm water bottle. it gives off more heat and cools down more quickly without the cover than with it - that's one of the reasons why you're advised to always put a cover around it. (Well, that and not getting burnt because too much heat is released at once.)

    Hope that helpsWhy are cloudy nights warmer than clear, star-lit nights?
    clouds hole precipitation, and they weigh more, because they are filled with wet heat. Clouds are almost like a security blanket, over your town or city. When it is clear outside, wind gusts and dry air form a cold air mass that strikes in your town or city.

    I hope i can help,

    Meteorologist: Heather.Why are cloudy nights warmer than clear, star-lit nights?
    it is'nt warm here its cold cloudy or not
    Water vapour is a powerful absorber of heat radiation emitted by the earth's surface.So when there is a layer of low or medium clouds, the water vapour present in the cloud does not allow the earth cool rapidly in the nights.The water vapour in the cloud absorbs the heat from the earth and re-radiates back to the earth's surface when the earth's surface starts cooling and the temperature becomes lower than that of the cloud in nights.So, there is a less cooling of the surface and the atmosphere near the surface becomes warm and sultry.Thus this portion of radiation will thus remain confined in between the cloud and the earth.Therefore the cloudy nights are warmer.

    In general, the clouds will tend to smooth out the variation of temperature by keeping the temperature low by day and comparatively high at night.

    The effect of the water vapour and that of the cloud layer is also called as the greenhouse effect.
    On a cold cloudless night heat energy (infrared photons) can radiate into outer space. Clouds block the escape of heat energy.
    The clouds act like a thermal blanket, when they cover an area, they keep the heat in, but a clear night, there is no blanket to keep the heat, so it gets away faster, cooling it off more.
    Arasan gave a very good answer to this question. To all that said that clouds act like blankets--that's not really true. Blankets keep us warm by insulating and suppressing convection; clouds keep us warm by radiating infrared radiation back to Earth.
    because the clouds act like blankets to keep us warm,,,
    The clouds act like a blanket and keep the heat in.
    the clouds keep the heat in lol
    the moisture in the air (clouds) deflects escaping heat sort of like a blanket
    the water vapour that form the clouds act like the quilt on your bed they cover the world and stop heat radiating back out into space.
    Yes, the individual tiny water droplets which the clouds are composed act to absorb heat emitted from the surface. They then re-radiate some of that heat back downward toward the surface, thus keeping the surface air warmer than if the clouds were not there.

    What do the stars in a clear night sky symbolize to you?

    That the world isn't as dark as we think it is. If we look far enough, there's light surrounding us... The stars are like people who can lead us in the right direction. As dark as it seems, there's always light there to show you that it's not true.What do the stars in a clear night sky symbolize to you?
    Peace and quiet. I like to go out on my ';porch'; on clear nights and breath in the cold air and look at the moon and Orion and be alone and at peace.What do the stars in a clear night sky symbolize to you?
    A life once lived, a past forgotten.

    A whole different world and life just beyond our reach.

    my love ones who are away from me and those that have already passed away...
    ';And even though I know how very far apart we are,

    It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star';

    Gods glory
    I think abt the time I sat with my best friend in his lap in the garden at school....he said ';if I could I would take a start out of the sky and give it to you,'; I rudely responed, yeah, thats original........haha, good times, good times.
    A miracle because the city usually lights up the sky so bright that it's almost impossible to see the stars in the north sky.
    just the fact of how beautiful they are, how big and vast the universe is, i love looking at the stars.
    someone has stolen my tent.
    stars in a clear night sky
    Everyones spirituality.....I always look up at the stars at night and wonder how many people are looking at those same stars and get to thinking about it, that is truly the only thing everyone has in common, and that is no matter where you are all those stars in the sky can be seen.....its really a wild concept to think about it........
    starry, starry night...paint your pallets blue and gray..

    What goes through your mind when you are gazing at the stars on a warm clear night?

    WOW !!

    god created all this he is so amazingWhat goes through your mind when you are gazing at the stars on a warm clear night?
    1. I wish I had someone to spend this night with

    2. I wonder what else is out there (other life forms etc.)

    3. If we will ever find out if there is anything else out there.What goes through your mind when you are gazing at the stars on a warm clear night?
    where is my true love??

    puahaha =)
    Where the hell did my roof go?
    someone else in this world is gazing at the same sky
    ';What's out there?';
    thinking of you... how we could cuddle each other...
    A million stories and dreams I should write down!
    I wonder if they're gazing back? (crap, maybe I should put a bathrobe on...)
    ';Can I make one of these blow up with my mind?';
    If there is any Corona left in the fridge.
    what am i doing looking at the sun
    How big the universe is...
    How happy I am to be alive and how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband and kids. Sometimes I wonder if I will see a shooting star or maybe see one of those UFO's that so many others claim to have. Mostly I just feel so peaceful and wish that I looked up more often. It really is amazing how we notice more of what is on the ground instead of what is going on up above.

    Which stars / What kind of constellation can be seen on a clear december night in New York.?

    Read up topWhich stars / What kind of constellation can be seen on a clear december night in New York.?
    The Big Dipper (which is part of Ursa Major - the Bear) and Orion. If you follow the edge of the big dipper ( the 2 stars of the big dipper that are farthest away from the 3 stars of its handle ) from the top of this pan in the sky in a straight line it points to the Dog Star or Sirius (the North Star) around which all the other stars seem to or appear to orbit or rotate around (It's really the earth that is rotating). I don't know if you could see this star in NYC though. Upstate NY, yes... In other words if you placed a camera and aimed it at this star and took a time lapse photogragh, you would see the Dog Star in the center of the photo with all the stars in the sky appearing like curved lines of light going around this central star...

    There are other constellations, named after characters of the zodiac and mythology which you can look up on a map of the night sky, but Orion and the Big Dipper are the most easily recognized. You can also look for Venus and Jupiter, planets that look like stars and are very bright, and Mars which appears reddish, especially if you don't look at it directly. You can also look for the The Pleaides, a fuzzy group of stars sometimes seen near Orion.

    Sometimes, you'll see a star that appears to be moving across the sky unlike the rest of the stars in the sky. This is a man-made satellite...Which stars / What kind of constellation can be seen on a clear december night in New York.?
    In New York City you will be severely limited by light pollution in what you can see. Expect to see perhaps a few dozen of the brightest stars, arranged in some of the brighter constellations, notably Orion to the south and the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) to the north.
    get a pair of good binoculars with a mag. of at least 10. When I look at the sky without binoculars, I can only see like 2 stars, the moon, and venus. With the binoculars, I can literally see like tons more. Its like they appear out of no where.

    Im getting a telescope though the binoculars dont do that much good when it comes to viewing clusters and what not.
    You can see the big dipper the little dipper,lepus,eridanus,cetus,pegasus,pisc鈥?major,cassiopeia,auriga and taurus.

    I didnt name all of them but those are the main ones between 12:00pm and 8:00 PM
    If you're refering to New York City, probably very few, but if you go out into the country, the night sky should be spectacular. Orion and Leo are two of my personal favorites.